Weekly Commentary

Market-Friendly Election Outcome

Heading into the election, polling data and market signals disagreed on how close the presidential election would be, with market signals calling the race much closer-which turned out to be accurate. ...

Are The Polls Wrong Again?

The race for the White House is down to the homestretch, and although presidential candidate Joe Biden is comfortably ahead in the election polls, various market and economic-based indicators suggest the election may be much closer than many are expecting. ...

What Technology’s Correction Means

The recent correction in the S&P 500 Index's technology sector presents a unique challenge to markets following a historic stretch of outperformance when markets rebounded, as many viewed the sector as relatively well insulated from the economic effects of the virus. ...

The Bull Case For Stocks

Markets have been on a wild ride in September so far, with a strong first two days of the month followed by one of the sharpest 10% corrections ever for NASDAQ. ...

Top 10 Investor Questions

Many investors, ourselves included, find it difficult to understand why stocks have done so well lately in such a challenging economic environment and COVID-19 still an ongoing threat. ...